The Client’s Responsibility For Great Seo}

Submitted by: Alek Jones

One of the biggest stumbling blocks that can be encountered in an Online Marketing & SEO campaign is when the client has unrealistic expectations of the campaign. SEOs and Online marketers have a responsibility to run the client through all facets of the campaign and manage client expectations before any work starts.

Contrary to popular belief, there are also certain tasks that the SEO client will have to perform during the course if the campaign to assist their SEO Company in getting the job done effectively and efficiently.

Managing Client Expectations

No SEO can guarantee top rankings, but projections can be made as to realistic results that we wish to achieve. Most of the time, these results that are projected will not align with the expectations of the client. Especially when the client is in an extremely competitive industry and where the keyword competition is very high.

The client must understand that SEO is not a quick fix or a strategy that will bring in lots of extra traffic and sales quickly. SEO is a long term investment that requires constant work on the part of the SEO and the client.


SEO is intangible to most because of the fact that a large portion of work on your site is mostly done behind the scenes, or in the code of you site. Because of this, the client must be open to regular communication where progress can be explained.

When embarking on an Online Marketing campaign as an online business or business owner, there are certain tasks that you as the business owner will have to perform.

The Clients JobKeyword Research & Selection

This is the most important step in any SEO campaign. The keywords that are selected will be used throughout your entire SEO and additional online marketing campaigns. The mistake that clients make is to force the SEO to use generic industry keywords that, in all probability, wont get results. Off course the clients input is needed and extremely valuable, they know their industry better than anyone. These suggestions will be taken into consideration when in depth research is done to select the best keywords for your site.

Implementation of recommended changes

Your SEO Company will in all likelihood require changes to your website structure or elements in some way or form. In some cases these changes will have to be implemented by the client themselves and when this process is dragged out, you as the client will take longer to see a return on your investment.

Content Creation & Addition

Most clients still do not appreciate the importance of good website content. Not only must you maintain an acceptable text to code ratio on your site, but unique and informative industry related content must be added to your site on a regular basis. A good SEO company will have a team of copywriters on hand for your sites primary content, but you as the client will have to add to this by creating engaging content for your sites blog or news section.

Micromanaging your SEO

Asking questions and understanding your SEO strategy is a good thing, but if you feel the need to approve and dissect every step that must be taken, you will get in the way. Occupying yourself with all the details of the SEO or Online marketing campaign is detrimental not only to the campaign, but also to your business. You have a business to run. Do the research on your chosen SEO Company and let them do their job.

Social Media Management

If you did not sign up for a full Social Media marketing campaign, you cannot expect your SEO Company to manage and grow your social media presence full time. Social media marketing in itself is a full time job and requires constant attention and strategy. Your SEO Company will be able to get you started or even assist you in creating a social media marketing strategy, but from there on in, you have to be persistent and keep your following on the social media networks growing.

Working with an SEO & Online Marketing company requires work from both the client and the company, so make the right choice when choosing your SEO experts and assist them in getting the job done.

About the Author: Networth Media is a full service

Internet Marketing

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